You want to add a simple Pop-up to your WordPress website. But you are not sure how to do it properly. Do you need custom code, or is there an easier way to do it?
Custom coding might be fun and interesting for some. But most website managers will do a web search for the plugin that can add this function. The results will list dozens of options ranging from paid options to plugins with loads of features. So, what plugin do you use?
We suggest Popups – WordPress Pop-up. It is an excellent plugin that is easy to use and configure.
Here is how you can add your first simple Popup with the WP Pop-ups:
Getting started is as easy as going to the WP Pop-ups and selecting All Popups from the left sidebar. From there, you click on Add New:

You are able to choose between 3 styling options (templates) from the start. For this example, we will use the first option, ‘Blank Pop-up.'

You get a nice editor where you can add your desired content and can even add a video to it. You can see a live preview on the right—a really convenient feature.

Next, you can fine-tune the appearance with some custom CSS, position settings, and colors. Feel free to play with it until you really like it.
Proceed to Display Rules, and here you can select if you want Pop-up to appear on all pages, on specific categories pages or posts, specific Post ID, browsers, devices, Page templates, and more. The important thing is that these rules will cover most of the use cases.

Finally, under Settings, you can fine-tune how Pop-up is triggered, how long it should stay closed, and more. If you are not sure about what you want just yet, you can publish it with default settings and see if that works for you.
Once you are ready, Tap on Publish button, and that is it. Your Pop-up should display on the selected pages. Great job, you have now added a simple popup to your website!